"Sikhs are easily recognized with their turbans, uncut hair, and heavy metal bracelet (Kara). Most men have Singh (lion) and women Kaur (princess) in their names."
2) What does a typical Sikh person in the UK look like now days?
A typical Sikh person in the UK looks like most other ethnicity people as in they cut there hair and some take drug and consume intoxicants which is against the Sikh religion.
3) What are the expectations of a typical Sikh now days?
There isn't not much expected of a Sikh in a modern times society as a Sikh was seen as a someone that helped people but not many people do that anymore and peoples thinking has changed over time due to the environment they live in. A typical Sikh doesn't know much about there own religion and say they are Sikhs because they have been brought up in a Sikh family.
4) What is a traditional Sikh meant to look like?

A traditional Sikh would were traditional clothes such as women wear Salwar and Kamez or a bana and men wear a Kurta Pajama or chola. I would be the persons own chose of it they would want to wear a turban and there is many style of swearing. A baptised Sikh is expected to be carring the 5 K's which are Kara(sword) at all time
5) What are the expectations of a traditional Sikh?

A traditional Sikh would be expected to be a kind person to all, loving, caring and helping to all as the word Sikh mean student, Sikhs are expect to learn to live a honest life and earn there own money with there own had work and not others and a traditional Sikh is expected to not think of them self above all.
"A Sikh disciplines his thoughts and actions so that the five evils--lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego--are dispelled and the soul is united with God. Sikhs believe that the cycle of reincarnation is broken by this union."
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