Idea number 1: Sikh History- What happened in 1984-
My first idea is about the Sikh genocide which took place in 1984 and I aim going to be looking at who is to blame for the attack, what the aim of the attack was, how long it went on for and how it has affected people now.
Positive Points-
-My idea is for both genders.
-This idea can educate and inform the audience.
Negative Points-
-I didn’t have a key message for the documentary.
-I need to entertain the target audience.
-My documentary could offend people.
-I need a key question which the documentary will answer.
-There need to be a way in which the audience can engage with it rather than jus learning from it.
This feedback has gave me more ideas on what I can do and made me think more about my documentary idea and I need a keys idea.
Idea Number 2: Sikh religion- What is a Sikh?
Positive points-
-It’s not similar to the other ideas
-It fits the BBC remit of educate and inform.
Negative points-
-My documentary could offend people.
-I need to change the idea a bit.
-I could get someone else from another culture to ask questions.
-I could get someone from a different culture and dress them up as a Sikh.
-I could do a documentary on what a Sikh is and where it comes from and what their faith means to them.
- I need to start at a level which no one would know about the subject.
This feedback has gave me more ideas on what I can do instead of my actually idea as it might not work as well and made me think more about my documentary idea and I was told I would focus on something much more simply to do with Sikhism, a different angle like what a Sikh is.
Idea Number 3: Video Games- How violence affects teenagers
Positive points-
-This idea was the most viable out of all three.
-It fits the BBC remit.
-This was my strongest idea.
Negative points-
-It wouldn’t suit the target audience.
-This topic is not too clear.
-I need to change some of the people I use in this documentary as they are under age.
-I need more research on the topic.
-I could talk to the police to ask if they see any difference.
-I need to make a lot of contacts.
This feedback has given me more ideas on who I can contact and what for and what questions i could ask. It has helped me find out what was missing from the documentary.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Content research on Idea Number 3: Video Games- How violence effects teenagers
1) How does violence in video games effect a teenager?
"games can have both positive and negative consequences"
"Video games have also been studied for links to addiction and aggression."
Video games can have a good effect on the teenagers but it depend on weather the video game has violence or not. most teenagers who play video games with violent content get mainly effected in a bad way and become violent and aggressive.
2) How does it effect their education?

For most teenagers there education gets worser as they get addicted to video games and spend most of there time playing and less time doing school work and revising for exams. There educationa get worst for most who play violent video games as they dont educate them but only teach them how to be violent
3) How do the games effect their behaviour?
"make young people more aggressive"
"violence in video games and in other media promotes violent behavior"
"video games can increase aggressive behavior and emotional outbursts"
"When the younger brother won, the older brother got up and started kicking him and yelling insults! Later on that day, the younger brother was playing another video game by himself and when he could not beat the level, he threw down the controller and screamed at the t.v. screen"
4) Should teenagers be allowed to play violent games?

"Parents are often concerned about the violent content of these games, but unaware just how dangerous they can be. But the risks for increasing aggressive behavior are real. “The latest brain research shows that violent games activate the anger center of the teenage brain while dampening the brain’s conscience.” [Ninth Annual MediaWise Video Game Report Card, David Walsh, Ph.D. et. al., 2004]."
"Should there be a law that prohibits the sale or rental of violent video games to anyone under 18?
Percentage of 2215 votes
5) How are video games in this country regulated?

Video games are rated by what the content of the game is.
"• Human sexual activity
• Acts of gross violence towards humans or animals
• Activity likely to help in the commission of a crime
• Drug use"
"At ‘18’ issues may be even stronger and could include a focus on strong violence with realistic
injury detail, strong horror, very strong language, very strong sex references or even depictions
of sexual activity or drug use." But a large number of teenagers under the age of 18 play these games as there parent either buy them for them or they go out and buy them without there parents knowing.
"games can have both positive and negative consequences"
"Video games have also been studied for links to addiction and aggression."
Video games can have a good effect on the teenagers but it depend on weather the video game has violence or not. most teenagers who play video games with violent content get mainly effected in a bad way and become violent and aggressive.
2) How does it effect their education?

For most teenagers there education gets worser as they get addicted to video games and spend most of there time playing and less time doing school work and revising for exams. There educationa get worst for most who play violent video games as they dont educate them but only teach them how to be violent
3) How do the games effect their behaviour?
"make young people more aggressive"
"violence in video games and in other media promotes violent behavior"
"video games can increase aggressive behavior and emotional outbursts"
"When the younger brother won, the older brother got up and started kicking him and yelling insults! Later on that day, the younger brother was playing another video game by himself and when he could not beat the level, he threw down the controller and screamed at the t.v. screen"
4) Should teenagers be allowed to play violent games?

"Parents are often concerned about the violent content of these games, but unaware just how dangerous they can be. But the risks for increasing aggressive behavior are real. “The latest brain research shows that violent games activate the anger center of the teenage brain while dampening the brain’s conscience.” [Ninth Annual MediaWise Video Game Report Card, David Walsh, Ph.D. et. al., 2004]."
"Should there be a law that prohibits the sale or rental of violent video games to anyone under 18?
Percentage of 2215 votes
5) How are video games in this country regulated?

Video games are rated by what the content of the game is.
"• Human sexual activity
• Acts of gross violence towards humans or animals
• Activity likely to help in the commission of a crime
• Drug use"
"At ‘18’ issues may be even stronger and could include a focus on strong violence with realistic
injury detail, strong horror, very strong language, very strong sex references or even depictions
of sexual activity or drug use." But a large number of teenagers under the age of 18 play these games as there parent either buy them for them or they go out and buy them without there parents knowing.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Content research on Idea Number 2: Sikh religion- What is a Sikh?
1) What is a Sikh?
The meaning of Sikh is student/disciple. Sikhism is a way of life which people chose to follow.
"Sikhs are easily recognized with their turbans, uncut hair, and heavy metal bracelet (Kara). Most men have Singh (lion) and women Kaur (princess) in their names."
2) What does a typical Sikh person in the UK look like now days?
A typical Sikh person in the UK looks like most other ethnicity people as in they cut there hair and some take drug and consume intoxicants which is against the Sikh religion.
3) What are the expectations of a typical Sikh now days?
There isn't not much expected of a Sikh in a modern times society as a Sikh was seen as a someone that helped people but not many people do that anymore and peoples thinking has changed over time due to the environment they live in. A typical Sikh doesn't know much about there own religion and say they are Sikhs because they have been brought up in a Sikh family.
4) What is a traditional Sikh meant to look like?

A traditional Sikh would were traditional clothes such as women wear Salwar and Kamez or a bana and men wear a Kurta Pajama or chola. I would be the persons own chose of it they would want to wear a turban and there is many style of swearing. A baptised Sikh is expected to be carring the 5 K's which are Kara(sword) at all time
5) What are the expectations of a traditional Sikh?

A traditional Sikh would be expected to be a kind person to all, loving, caring and helping to all as the word Sikh mean student, Sikhs are expect to learn to live a honest life and earn there own money with there own had work and not others and a traditional Sikh is expected to not think of them self above all.
"A Sikh disciplines his thoughts and actions so that the five evils--lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego--are dispelled and the soul is united with God. Sikhs believe that the cycle of reincarnation is broken by this union."

"Sikhs are easily recognized with their turbans, uncut hair, and heavy metal bracelet (Kara). Most men have Singh (lion) and women Kaur (princess) in their names."
2) What does a typical Sikh person in the UK look like now days?
A typical Sikh person in the UK looks like most other ethnicity people as in they cut there hair and some take drug and consume intoxicants which is against the Sikh religion.
3) What are the expectations of a typical Sikh now days?
There isn't not much expected of a Sikh in a modern times society as a Sikh was seen as a someone that helped people but not many people do that anymore and peoples thinking has changed over time due to the environment they live in. A typical Sikh doesn't know much about there own religion and say they are Sikhs because they have been brought up in a Sikh family.
4) What is a traditional Sikh meant to look like?

A traditional Sikh would were traditional clothes such as women wear Salwar and Kamez or a bana and men wear a Kurta Pajama or chola. I would be the persons own chose of it they would want to wear a turban and there is many style of swearing. A baptised Sikh is expected to be carring the 5 K's which are Kara(sword) at all time
5) What are the expectations of a traditional Sikh?

A traditional Sikh would be expected to be a kind person to all, loving, caring and helping to all as the word Sikh mean student, Sikhs are expect to learn to live a honest life and earn there own money with there own had work and not others and a traditional Sikh is expected to not think of them self above all.
"A Sikh disciplines his thoughts and actions so that the five evils--lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego--are dispelled and the soul is united with God. Sikhs believe that the cycle of reincarnation is broken by this union."
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Content research on Idea number 1: Sikh History- What happened in 1984
1) What happened in 1984?
In 1984 there was a Sikh genocide in India. The attack was by the Indian government to kill a large number of Sikhs. The attack was being planned for 2 years before the actual attack and was planned to happen on one of the most busiest days for the golden temple and every other Sikh temple around India. This attack killed thousands and thousands of innocent Sikhs.
2) Who is to blame for the genocide?
The indian government was the behind the attack. They said it was not planned but there is proof that they had been planning the attack for 2 year and had made a replica of the Golden Temple and had practised the attack there. The reason that the Indian government had given for the attack was to flush out 38 terrorists/militants but later admit that most of the people on that list were not even in the country and were living abroad.
3) What was the aim of this attack?
The reason that the Indian government had given for the attack was to flush out 38 terrorists/militants but later admit that most of the people on that list were not even in the country and were living abroad. The aim of the attack was to kill as many sikhs as possible.
4) How long did it go on for?
This attack had gone on for atleast 4 to 5 days and nights. The Golden Temple and over 40 other Sikh Temples had been barricaded by the Indian army so that no Sikhs were able to get out and that too alive.
5) How has it effected people now?
This genocide effected sikhs all around the wold but mainly in India and is a big part of sikh history. The effect that this event had on people was incredibly big as the was thousands left homeless and and no one left in there family and even little children were left on there own.
In 1984 there was a Sikh genocide in India. The attack was by the Indian government to kill a large number of Sikhs. The attack was being planned for 2 years before the actual attack and was planned to happen on one of the most busiest days for the golden temple and every other Sikh temple around India. This attack killed thousands and thousands of innocent Sikhs.
2) Who is to blame for the genocide?
The indian government was the behind the attack. They said it was not planned but there is proof that they had been planning the attack for 2 year and had made a replica of the Golden Temple and had practised the attack there. The reason that the Indian government had given for the attack was to flush out 38 terrorists/militants but later admit that most of the people on that list were not even in the country and were living abroad.
3) What was the aim of this attack?
The reason that the Indian government had given for the attack was to flush out 38 terrorists/militants but later admit that most of the people on that list were not even in the country and were living abroad. The aim of the attack was to kill as many sikhs as possible.
4) How long did it go on for?
This attack had gone on for atleast 4 to 5 days and nights. The Golden Temple and over 40 other Sikh Temples had been barricaded by the Indian army so that no Sikhs were able to get out and that too alive.
5) How has it effected people now?
This genocide effected sikhs all around the wold but mainly in India and is a big part of sikh history. The effect that this event had on people was incredibly big as the was thousands left homeless and and no one left in there family and even little children were left on there own.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Doc questions Idea Number 3: Video Games- How violence effects teenagers
1) How does violence in video games effect a teenager?
2) How does it effect their education?
3) How do the games effect their behaviour?
4) Should teenagers be allowed to play violent games?
5) How are video games in this country regulated?
2) How does it effect their education?
3) How do the games effect their behaviour?
4) Should teenagers be allowed to play violent games?
5) How are video games in this country regulated?
Doc questions Idea Number 2: Sikh religion- What is a Sikh?
1) What is a sikh?
2) What does a typical sikh person in the UK look like nowdays?
3) What are the expectations of a typical Sikh nowdays?
4) What is a traditional Sikh meant to look like?
5) What are the expectations of a traditional Sikh?
2) What does a typical sikh person in the UK look like nowdays?
3) What are the expectations of a typical Sikh nowdays?
4) What is a traditional Sikh meant to look like?
5) What are the expectations of a traditional Sikh?
Doc questions Idea number 1: Sikh History- What happened in 1984
1) What happened in 1984?
2) Who is to blame for the genocide?
3) What was the aim of this attack?
4) How long did it go on for?
5) How has it effected people now?
2) Who is to blame for the genocide?
3) What was the aim of this attack?
4) How long did it go on for?
5) How has it effected people now?
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Idea Number 3: Video Games- How violence effects teenagers
This project is going to be about how violence in video games effects the teenagers. I am going to explain what the effects are and how it effect there education. The medium i am planning to use is going to be TV as i want to show how teenagers behave after playing violent games.

I am going to make this to show everyone the effects of the violence in the games and the behaviour of the teenagers. The documentary will explore and answer the question of how the violence effects teenagers. I am going to prove the difference between a teenager teenager who doesnt play violent games and a teenager who does.
the target audience which i am aiming this for is going to be 16-26 year olds but mainly the teenagers which are of all ethnicityies, religions, race and genders as both male and females play video games and the hobbies and interests of these people are going to be playing video games.

Style and Form-
The mode of address that i am going to use for this documentary is going to be informal as it would make the target audience want to watch it more. I am going to be using presenters and voice-overs for this. The music i am going to be playing in the background is going to be from a game. A similar documentary to what i am thinking of doing but mine wouldnt be all jus talking
I am going to use graphics for peoples names.
For production i am going to need a video camera and a tripod, for the editing i am going to need a computer to cut the shots and make the documentary and i am going to need a microphone to record my voice-overs clearly.
This project is going to be about how violence in video games effects the teenagers. I am going to explain what the effects are and how it effect there education. The medium i am planning to use is going to be TV as i want to show how teenagers behave after playing violent games.

I am going to make this to show everyone the effects of the violence in the games and the behaviour of the teenagers. The documentary will explore and answer the question of how the violence effects teenagers. I am going to prove the difference between a teenager teenager who doesnt play violent games and a teenager who does.
the target audience which i am aiming this for is going to be 16-26 year olds but mainly the teenagers which are of all ethnicityies, religions, race and genders as both male and females play video games and the hobbies and interests of these people are going to be playing video games.

Style and Form-
The mode of address that i am going to use for this documentary is going to be informal as it would make the target audience want to watch it more. I am going to be using presenters and voice-overs for this. The music i am going to be playing in the background is going to be from a game. A similar documentary to what i am thinking of doing but mine wouldnt be all jus talking
I am going to use graphics for peoples names.
For production i am going to need a video camera and a tripod, for the editing i am going to need a computer to cut the shots and make the documentary and i am going to need a microphone to record my voice-overs clearly.
Idea Number 2: Sikh religion- What is a Sikh?
My project is going to about the Sikh religion, explaining what a Sikh is. I am going to explain what a sikh nowdays is and what a sikh is really suppose to be. The medium i am going to use is TV as this documentary would be much better visual.

The reason i am going to make this documentary is to educate the audience about a sikh. This documentary is going to inform the audience of the what sikhs nowdays look and do and what a accually sikh is ment to look and be like. I am a going to try and prove the difference between accually sikh and a sikh that doesnt look or act like one.

The target audience i am trying to aim is 16-24 year olds and of all ethnicityies and religions as even some sikhs are not aware of this as they have been brought up in a westernised place and families. It is aimed at both male andd females and there hobbies and interests are to research about other religions.
Style and Form-
The mode of address that i am going to use for this is going to be informal as it would be a better way of presenting it and i am going to use voice-overs in this and no presenters and there is no need for a presenter. This project is going to be clear and simple.i am going to place calm music in the background throughout the documentary. i will be using graphics for names of people and things.
For the production i am going to need a video camera and a tripod, for the editing i am going to need a computer to cut the shots and make the documentary and i am going to need a microphone to record my voice-overs clearly. I am going to need to use the studio for this.
My project is going to about the Sikh religion, explaining what a Sikh is. I am going to explain what a sikh nowdays is and what a sikh is really suppose to be. The medium i am going to use is TV as this documentary would be much better visual.

The reason i am going to make this documentary is to educate the audience about a sikh. This documentary is going to inform the audience of the what sikhs nowdays look and do and what a accually sikh is ment to look and be like. I am a going to try and prove the difference between accually sikh and a sikh that doesnt look or act like one.

The target audience i am trying to aim is 16-24 year olds and of all ethnicityies and religions as even some sikhs are not aware of this as they have been brought up in a westernised place and families. It is aimed at both male andd females and there hobbies and interests are to research about other religions.
Style and Form-
The mode of address that i am going to use for this is going to be informal as it would be a better way of presenting it and i am going to use voice-overs in this and no presenters and there is no need for a presenter. This project is going to be clear and simple.i am going to place calm music in the background throughout the documentary. i will be using graphics for names of people and things.
For the production i am going to need a video camera and a tripod, for the editing i am going to need a computer to cut the shots and make the documentary and i am going to need a microphone to record my voice-overs clearly. I am going to need to use the studio for this.
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